3rd Chapter " Which one is Taller?"


Assalamu’alaikum Wr Wb

Good morning all.... how are you today? I hope you all in a good condition

Sebelum kita belajar, alangkah baiknya kita berdoa terlebih dulu, semoga ilmu yang kita dapatkan dipenuhi keberkahan dan kita selalu di sehatkan.


Hari ini kita akan memasuki BAB 3 “Which one is Taller?”. Pada Bab ini kita akan belajar tentang cara membandingkan sesuatu dalam Bahasa Inggris.

Learning Objectives :

·         Understand social function, text structure, and language feature of the expressions og giving and asking for information related to degree of comparison

·         Write sentence, text, or dialogue related to the expressions of giving and asking for information related to degree of comparison


Silahkan isi absen di link berikut!



 Check this out!!!!


Degree Of Comparison


Comparison is used when we compare one person or one thing with another. It is only applicable for adjective and adverbs. Adjective is a word that describes or qualifies a noun or pronoun such as short, tall, long, etc. Adverb is a word that modifies a verb, an adjective, another adverb, or a sentence, such as happily, beautifully, effectively, etc. There are 3 degrees of comparison that we will discuss.

Comparison digunakan ketika kita membandingkan 1 orang atau sesuatu dengan yang lainnya. 


1.      Equal Comparison (Positive Degree)

Postive Degree is used for comparing two people or thngs that have equal adjective or adverb.


Positive Degree yaitu perbandingan yang digunakan untuk menyatakan kesamaan antara dua benda, sehingga kata sifatnya utuh tidak berubah. Dalam positive degree ini ciri-cirinya terdapat kata as . . . . as yang berarti sama, atau se-.


 The Pattern:




Subject = Subjek

To be = is, am, are

Adjective= kata sifat

Adverb = Kata Keterangan

Object = Objek



Example :

Tania is as beautiful as Sania (Tania sama cantiknya dengan Sania / Tania secantik Sania)

Tania : Subject

Is = to be

Beautiful = Adjective (kata sifat)



Other Examples:

Dino runs as fast as Kevin does

She is as tall as you

They walk as fast as tiger

My father speaks as carefully as the teacher

Mustofa is as handsome as Shidqi.

A buffalo is as big as a cow




Silahkan jawab soal di link berikut!

Exercise (Latihan Pert ke 8) 



Demikian pembelajaran hari ini, semoga kalian dapat memahaminya, dan jika ada yang ditanyakan, silahkan chat pribadi ya...

 Pertemuan berikutnya Insya Allah kita akan membahas tentang “Comparative and Superlative Degree”


See you next meeting and Wassalamu’alaikum W W


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