SIMPLE PAST TENSE (Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Pert ke 13)


Assalamu’alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

Good morning students! How are you today? I hope you all in good condition

Selamat menunaikan ibadah puasa, semoga semua amal ibadah kita diterima oleh Allah SWT

Pada pertemuan lalu kita telah mempelajari tentang Simple Past Tense,  hari ini kita akan membahas tentang contoh- contoh simple past tense”


Sebelumnya, silahkan isi absen di link berikut!





Simple past merupakan kalimat tense yang digunakan untuk menjelaskan situasi yang terjadi dan sudah berakhir di masa lalu (completed action).


(+) Subject + Past Verb + Object / Complement

(-) Subject + Did + Not + Infinitive(Verb 1) + Object / Complement

(?) Did + Subject + Infinitive ( Verb 1) + Object / Complement


Example :

1)      Father reads an article about global warming

(+) Father read an article about global warmig

(-) Father did not read about global warming

(?) Did Father read about global warming?


2)      Your mobile phone rings

(+) Your mobile phone rang

(-) Your mobile did not ring

(?) Did your mobile ring?


3)      They go to Jakarta

(+) They went to Jakarta

(-) They did not go Jakarta

(?) Did they go to Jakarta?

4)      The little girl fall in the field this morning

(+) The little girl fell in the field this morning

(-) The little girl did not fall this morning

(?) Did the little girl fall this morning


5)      Fadly Send the package

(+) Fadly sent the package

(-) Fadly did not send the package

(?) Did Fadly send the package?


6)      Mother gives you some money

(+) Mother gave you some money

(-) Mother did not give you some money

(?) Did mother give you some money?



Nominal Sentence in form of the Simple Past Tense (Kalimat yang predikatnya bukan kata kerja)

(+) Subject + Past to be + Adjective/ Adverb/ Noun

(-) Subject + Past to be + Not  + Adjective/ Adverb/ Noun

(?) Past to be + Subject + Adejective/ Adverb / Noun


For Example :

(+) Intan was a secretary

(-) Intan was not a secretary

(?) Was Intan a secretary?


(+) They were very happy

(-) They were not very happy

(?) Were they very happy


Demikianlah pembelajaran daring kita hari ini, semoga kalian dapat memahaminya, dan jika ada pertanyaan, silahkan chat pribadi ibu ya...

Pertemuan berikutnya insya Allah kita akan mengadakan quiz/ Latihan, so, Persiapkan diri kalian baik – baik ya...

Tetap jaga kesehatan, dan semoga puasa kita lancar.

See you next meeting and Wassalamu’alaikum W W



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