CHAPTER 5th "My Unforgettable Experience"
Warahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh
Good morning
and how are you today? I Hope you all in a good condition. Stay Healthy, Ok!
belajar, sebaiknya kita berdoa terlebih dulu, semoga kita selalu diberi
kesehatan dan diberi pemahaman atas ilmu yang kita pelajari.
kita bertemu kembali di kelas online Bahasa Inggris. Hari ini kita akan
membahas materi yang ada di bab 5 yang berjudul “ My Unforgettable Experience”.
Di bab ini kita akan mempelajari tentang “Recount Text”.
silahkan kalian isi absen di link berikut!
Text is a text purposed to tell the readers what happened in the past through a
sequence of events. Recount Text it is also report or tell an event/ situation/
activity/ someone’s experience.
text adalah sebuah teks yang bertujuan untuk menceritakan sebuah peristiwa/
situasi/ kejadian/ pengalaman seseorang melalui berbagai runtutan kejadian.
Text menggunakan “Simple Past Tense”, karena memang fungsinya untuk
menceritakan kejadian yang telah lalu/ lampau.
Structure of Recount Text :
: The beginning of paraghraph
about who, place and time
Orientation : Permulaan paragraf yang isinya
tentang siapa(Pelaku), tempat dan waktu kejadian
The series of events
Event : Kejadian ( secara beruntun)
(optional) : comments the writer/
speaker about experience
(Pilihan) : komentar dari penulis
atau pembicara tentang pengalaman. Evaluation ini boleh ada, boleh juga tidak
ada dalam sebuah recount text.
: conclusion or closing which tells
how the writer feels
Reorientation : kesimpulan atau penutup yang isinya
menceritakan tentang apa yang dirasakan penulis.
Joining a Contest of Retelling Short Story
My name is Adinda. I am an eight grader at SMP Penerus Bangsa. I’d
like to tell my experience in joining a contest of retelling short story. Yes,
I like reading and writing a short story. That’s why I Joined the contest last
week .
It was Sunday morning. I was already at the Graha Indonesia Hall at
eight o’clock, and I was ready to compete at the contest. The contest was
started at 8.30 a.m. When everything was ready, the contest started at last.
First the contestants had to write a short story. The other contestants and I
had two hours and half to write. After finishing writing, all contestants
including me collected the short story we had written. The the judges scored
and choose top ten of the short stories. Because I was on the top ten, I had to
retell my short story to the judges and audiences. I was so nervous, but I
tried to control myself. I did my best in retelling my short story. However I
didn’t win the competetition. That’s okay for me. I was still happy.
Text |
Generic Structure |
My name is Adinda. I am an eight grader at SMP Penerus Bangsa. I’d
like to tell my experience in joining a contest of retelling short story.
Yes, I like reading and writing a short story. That’s why I Joined the
contest last week . |
Orientation |
It was Sunday morning. I was already at the Graha Indonesia Hall
at eight o’clock, and I was ready to compete at the contest. The contest was
started at 8.30 a.m. When everything was ready, the contest started at last.
First the contestants had to write a short story. The other contestants and I
had two hours and half to write. After finishing writing, all contestants
including me collected the short story we had written. The the judges scored
and choose top ten of the short stories. Because I was on the top ten, I had
to retell my short story to the judges and audiences. I was so nervous, but I
tried to control myself. I did my best in retelling my short story |
Series of Event |
However I didn’t win the competetition. That’s okay for me. I was
still happy. |
Reorientation |
Do you
Any question???
pembelajaran hari ini, jika kalian ada pertanyaan, silahkan chat pribadi ibu
Tetap jaga
kesehatan dan terapkan protokol kesehatan, see you next meeting and Wassalamu’alaikum
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