Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIID (Kamis, 28 April 2022)

 Assalamu'alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

Good morning all, how are you today? I hope you all in a good condition.

Bagaimana puasanya nih, semoga masih kuat ya...

Hari ini kita akan belajar daring tentang descriptive text.

Sebelumnya silahkan kalian absen di link berikut!


Silahkan kalian buka buku LKS Bahasa Inggris halaman 35, kemudian baca penjelasan lebih lengkap di bawah ini!


Pengertian, Tujuan, dan Ciri-ciri Descriptive Text

When we write a detailed description about someone or something, wa are writing a descriptive text. It is a text used to present facts abd information about the subject by describing its parts, caharacteristices, etc.

Descriptive Text adalah bentuk teks yang berisi gambaran tentang suatu objek.

Tujuan dari Descriptive Text adalah mendeskripsikan atau menggambarkan suatu objek khusus. Communicative purpose of descriptive text is to describe particular participant.

Ciri-ciri yang dimiliki oleh teks deskripsi yaitu teksnya berisi deskripsi yang fokus hanya pada satu objek saja. Biasanya deskripsinya detail. Misalnya Descriptive Text tentang hewan. Teks tersebut dapat berupa memuat beragam informasi tentang deskripsi fisik, makanan, habitat dan asal usul, perkembangbiakkan, hingga fakta-fakta unik terkait hewan tersebut. Ciri lainnya dari Descriptive Text yaitu grammar tenses yang dipakai adalah simple present tense.


 Struktur dan Contoh dari Descriptive Text

Generic structure of descriptive text:

1.      Identification

In the opening paraghraph tells the reader what the description is about. Dengan kata lain, Identification (Identifikasi) berisi tentang topik objek apa yang akan dibahas

2.      Description

Each one focusing on a different partt of area, builds up to complete description of the subject. Description (deskripsi) berisi tentang gambaran suatu objek mengenai detail objek tersebut seperti keadaan fisik objek, asal-usul hingga fakta-fakta unik lainnya.

3.      Conclusion

Summaries the whole description. Conclusion berisi temtang kesimpulan isi dari teks tersebut.


Language features of Descriptive Text

ü  Using technical terms to introduce the topic

ü  Using formal and objective language

ü  Using terms for defining and classifying e.g. belongs to, is classified as, like, unlike

ü  Using action verb

ü  Using Adjective

ü  Using simple Present Tense to present current fact and information

ü  Using of singular and plural nouns

ü  Using of pronoun

ü  Using of linking verb / related verb


Example of Descriptive text

Description of Someone

My Best Friend

My best friend is Andre and he is my classmate. We go to school together.
Andre comes from an educated family. His father is a school principal and his mother is also a teacher.

He is punctual, well-educated, and has good manners. He is really hard working. He always does his homework. He is also well-dressed and well-behaved. All teachers have a high opinion of him.

Andre has a well-built body. He is gentle but fearless. He takes part in all sports, scout, trekking and mountaineering activities. He has a good heart. He is truthful, honest and obedient.

He also plays the guitar, and he makes his parents very proud of him. He secures good marks and is usually top of his class in examinations. He inspires me to work harder. He keeps me away from bad company. I am happy to have such a friend.

Demikian pembelajaran hari ini, semoga kalian dapat memahaminya, dan jika ada pertanyaan, silahkan chat pribadi ibu ya...

Selamat belajar dan selamat menjalankan ibadah puasa

Wassalamu'alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh



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